Pros and Cons of Super Milk Thistle
Pro: Protects Liver and Kidneys From Damage
Super Milk Thistle administers a large dose of silymarin to the system. Silymarin is known to increase the strength of the outer layer of the liver and kidneys. With the outer layer of your liver strengthened, it can become more difficult for alcohol and drugs to penetrate it, preventing damage and scarring that can lead to serious health problems including kidney failure and cirrhosis of the liver.
Pro: Aids With Detoxification
Super Milk Thistle also can stimulate bile production within the body. This enhanced bile production kicks the liver into high gear, allowing it to process body toxins such as drugs and alcohol much more quickly. Detoxification of bodily systems can aid digestion and increase energy. For people looking to quickly detoxify, Super Milk Thistle's bile stimulation can be a great help.
Pro: Super Milk Thistle Has Antioxidant Properties
Super Milk Thistle belongs to the group of organic substances that posses antioxidant properties. Antioxidants have many benefits when paired with a healthy diet and exercise. Antioxidants such as milk thistle can protect the body from cancer, heart disease and stroke by cleansing the body of free radicals. Left unmanaged, free radicals can cause long-term damage to the body at the cellular structure.
Con: Milk Thistle Side Effects
Super Milk Thistle delivers a large dose of silymarin to the system, which can result in side effects. Though side effects vary, headache, irritability, upset stomach and diarrhea have been associated with regularly taking Super Milk Thistle as a supplement. The occurrence of these side effects and the severity vary based on your body and tolerance level.
Con: Milk Thistle Does Not Conatain Antiviral Properties
Super Milk Thistle is often recommended for patients who have Hepatitis B or C. However, milk thistle cannot be used as the sole treatment for this disease. While Super Milk Thistle may help aid with better liver function, it cannot be used as a substitute for the prescription treatment and a doctor's care in patients who have Hepatitis B or C.