Toxicity of Mint Oil
Peppermint Oil
For some people, peppermint oil can cause rashes and hives when applied directly to the skin. It can also trigger allergic reactions and asthma attacks. According to the American Cancer Society, a study published in the journal "Toxicology Letters" found that large doses of menthone, an organic compound in peppermint oil, caused convulsions and brain damage in laboratory animals.
Spearmint Oil
Although a splash of spearmint oil can irritate skin and eyes, it is far more toxic if inhaled or swallowed. Vapors from covance, the primary ingredient in spearmint oil, damage mucous membranes and the upper respiratory system. If swallowed, spearmint oil can injure the heart, kidneys and liver.
Menthol is a toxic substance and the primary ingredient in peppermint oil. Spearmint oil also contains menthol but in much lower concentrations. A teaspoon of oil with a high level of menthol can be lethal to a healthy adult. Menthol lowers blood pressure, causes convulsions and spasms, and can induce miscarriages.