Herbs to Remove Yellowing Color From Gray Hair
This herb is also known as false daisy and has many medicinal purposes. It is often used in herbal teas but makes a wonderful after-rinse for gray hair. When used for a prolonged period it will remove the ugly yellow tint often seen in gray hair. You can either purchase dried bhringaraj from local herb and health food stores or from online herbal stores. This herb is also easily grown in your garden. To make the rinse, pick a handful of false daisies, or place a tablespoon or two of the dried herb in a container with three to four cups of hot water as if you were making tea. Allow the herbs to steep for five to 10 minutes. Place a strainer over another container and pour the tea in the strainer. Allow it to filter through to the new container. Place the false daisy infusion in a plastic spray bottle and spray it on your hair after you shampoo. Massage it into your hair, allowing it to stand for two minutes. Rinse your hair as you normally do.
You may have alcea rosea (hollyhock) or other purple-blue flowers in your garden. You can use these to remove the yellow cast from your gray hair. Place a handful of purple-blue flower petals in hot water to start the infusion, as if you were making tea. Allow the petals to steep for five to 10 minutes before removing them. Pour the water into a plastic spray bottle and spray onto your hair. Leave the mixture on your hair for 10 to 15 minutes before shampooing. The natural dyes in the flowers remove the yellow tint. Use this natural hair rinse as often as you like until the yellow tint has faded. You can use it daily, or once or twice a week without harming your hair.
Betony is used as a cure-all herb for many illnesses. It is native to Europe but can be planted in any area with a temperate climate or can be purchased from an herbal store either locally or online. Steep a few fresh or dried betony flowers in hot water for five to 10 minutes. Remove the flowers and pour into a plastic spray bottle. Spray your hair after you wash it and allow the betony rinse to remain on your hair for two to five minutes before rinsing normally.