How to Extract Potent Erowid Salvia off Leaves
Things You'll Need
- 100 grams salvia divinorum
- Large bowl
- Cheesecloth
- Refrigerator
- Distilled water
- Large glass baking dish
- Oven
- Food processor
- 2 quart glass mason jars
- Acetone
- Mesh strainer
- 2 coffee filters
- Small, shallow glass dish
Soak the leaves in water. Line your bowl with cheesecloth. Lay the salvia leaves in the center of the bowl. Cover the leaves with an inch or two of refrigerated distilled water. Push the leaves under the water to wet them. Let whole leaves and large pieces soak for 10 minutes. Crushed leaves only need to soak for seven minutes. Lift the cheesecloth out of the bowl with the leaves inside of it. Wrap the cheesecloth around the leaves and gently squeeze the water out just until the leaves stop dripping.
Dry the salvia leaves. Unwrap the leaves and spread them out in your baking dish. Pre-heat the oven to 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Throw away the cheesecloth. Place the baking dish with the leaves in the oven. Turn the leaves every two hours. Once they are completely dry, remove the baking dish and allow the leaves to cool down to room temperature.
Determine the potency you desire. Twenty grams will deliver 5x potency, ten grams deliver 10x potency, 6.5 grams deliver 15x potency and five grams deliver 20x potency. Measure the desired dosage. Crush it into small pieces with your hands (properly dried salvia should crumble easily).
Treat the remainder of the dried salvia with acetone. First grind it into a powder with a food processor. Place the powder in your mason jar and cover it with 2 to 3 inches of acetone. Close the lid and leave the salvia to soak for 24 hours. Stir the contents every few hours.
Place the strainer over the second mason jar. Lay the coffee filter in the bottom of the strainer. Carefully pour the contents of the first mason jar through the filter and into the second jar. Once you are done, press the powdered leaf with your fingers to press out as much acetone as you can.
Set the acetone-filled jar aside. Place the powdered leaf back into the first mason jar. Cover it with 2 to 3 inches of acetone. Close the lid and leave the salvia to soak for 24 hours. Stir the contents every few hours.
Place the strainer over the acetone filled jar you set aside in step six. Lay a fresh coffee filter in the bottom of the strainer. Carefully pour the contents of the first mason jar through the filter and into the second jar. Once you are done, press the powdered leaf with your fingers to press out as much acetone as you can. Then throw the powdered leaf away.
Pour the acetone into your glass baking dish. Let it sit out, uncovered to evaporate down to about one cup of liquid.
Place the crushed salvia (set aside in step 3) in the shallow dish. Pour the acetone onto it. Leave the leaf and acetone mixture to evaporate until the leaf is just moist and there is no excess liquid in the dish.
Add three tablespoons of acetone to the dish. Use the leaf in the bowl to wipe the sides and loosen any residue. Leave the dish out, uncovered until the leaf is dry. Stir it periodically to prevent any more matter from collecting on the sides.
Add the dried salvia to your pipe and smoke it.