Cold Remedies With Pepper

A cold is a viral infection that can make your nose runny or stuffy, your throat sore and even make you cough up phlegm. Before you reach for over-the-counter medication, try home remedies made from pepper. Pepper, like cayenne pepper, helps stimulate the blood cells to fight off the cold infection. Hot peppers contain capsaicin, which helps you to breath easy again.
  1. Teas and Drinks

    • Combine a fourth to a half teaspoon of rock salt with three to four pieces of whole black pepper. Crush them together using a mortar and pestle or a spice grinder until they create a fine powder. Add this mixture to a cup of warm water. Drink while the water is still warm.

      Mix one tablespoon fenugreek seeds, seven black peppercorns and one teaspoon minced ginger. Place into a pot with two cups water. Boil until you reduce liquid by half. If possible, use only fresh ginger. You can add black tea and sugar before you drink the mixture.

      Mix one or more teaspoons of cayenne pepper to one glass of water. Drink at the first sign of a cold or the beginning of a sore throat.

    Throat Soothers

    • Mix together one teaspoon each of lemon juice and honey, used to sweeten the mixture. Add a fourth teaspoon of cayenne pepper and mix thoroughly. This mixture is taken like cough syrup. This remedy helps relieve throat pain.

      Mix a fourth teaspoon each of cayenne pepper and ground ginger. Add one tablespoon each of apple cider vinegar and honey. To this mixture, add two tablespoons water. Mix well. Use as cough syrup. Take one to three teaspoons.

      Grind seven black peppercorns with one teaspoon honey. Mix in a clockwise direction 108 times. Take this right away in the morning.

    Add to Food

    • Add five pieces of black pepper to a container of yogurt. Eat every day for three to four days.

      Add a fourth teaspoon or more cayenne pepper to homemade chicken noodle soup.

    Adult Drink with Black Pepper

    • Combine 1 1/4 tablespoons of whiskey with an 1/8 teaspoon black pepper. Add to a glass of warm water. Drink at bedtime. This remedy should be consumed only by adults.

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