Tribulus Varieties
There are varieties of tribulus that are used in both traditional and alternative medicine. Two of these varieties are popular today in alternative medicine and body building circles.
Tribulus Terrestris
Tribulus terrestris grows wild in the US and is also known as Puncture Vine, Puncture Weed, Mexican Sandbur, Caltrop, Bullhead, Ground burnut, Yellow Vine, Tackweed or Goathead. Tribulus is considered a noxious weed in most US states. When consumed, the plant is toxic to livestock. The stickers can cause serious harm to animals, humans and bicycle tires.
Tribulus terrestris has medicinal and alternative medical uses. Today, the plant is commonly used to treat Erectile Dysfuction in men, sexual dysfunction in women and build stamina and muscle mass in body builders. Traditional medicine has used it for hundreds of years to treat high blood pressure and cholesterol-related issues. The leaves contain phytosteroids that are reputed to increase the production of testosterone without leaving steroid chemical signatures.
Tribulus terrestris is native to India, Turkey, Pakistan, Australia and Sri Lanka. Both Indian and Turkish healers have used the plant for hundreds of years. Known as kanti gokharu in India, ayuvveda medicinal uses include the treatment of cholesterol, high blood pressure, fertility problems, digestion problems and as an aphrodisiac.
Chinese medicine has also used the tribulus fruit for hundreds of years to treat skin lesions, insufficient milk supply and chest distention and pain.
Pedalium Murex
Pedalium murex, also known as boda gokharu, is another variety of tribulus native to India valued for its medicinal properties. It is used as a diuretic, aphrodisiac and demulcent. Gokharu seeds are used to treat male impotence, gonorrhea, nocturnal emissions and urinary incontinence. The fruit is used as an antispasmodic.
General Characteristics of Tribulus
Tribulus is an annual, flowering plant with three to six pairs of alternating or oppositional leaves. The flowers are generally yellow with five petals. The plant has nasty, barbed stickers that can grow large and sturdy enough to puncture bicycle tires or animal hooves. Puncturevine or Puncture Weed is a common name for the plants because of these stickers.