What Is Aloe Barbadensis Leaf?
Aloe vera grows to be 1 to 2 feet in height and 2 to 3 feet in spread. Its thick green leaves are bordered with soft spines and grow in rosette fashion around a short stem.
Aloe vera's healing properties stem from the compound aloin found in the plant's leaves.
Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe vera gel is a transparent, bitter sap derived from the inner part of the aloe leaf. It is used topically to help heal a number of skin conditions, including wounds, burns and infections.
Dried Aloe Latex
Dried aloe latex is obtained by drying the gel and inner lining of the leaf. Taken orally, aloe latex is believed to relieve constipation.
Aloe vera thrives as a houseplant; the sap is obtained by squeezing freshly cut leaves. Aloe barbadensis leaf derivatives are also available in lotion, cosmetic and tablet form.