Sassafras Lice Treatment
Treatment With Topical Oil
Traditional herbalists apply sassafras oil directly to the scalp (via massage) three times a day to treat head lice. However, this is an herbal remedy, and no clinical studies have been done that either confirm or negate the benefits of this treatment.
Sassafras Mixture Treatments
If the individual does not want to apply the treatment multiple times a day, as is the case for topical oil treatments, a sassafras mixture can be made and applied to the head instead. One common recipe calls for a cup of almond oil, a teaspoon of sassafras oil, a teaspoon of lavender oil, and a teaspoon of tea-tree oil, lathered into the scalp. The individual then wraps his or her head in a towel and leaves in the mixture for two hours before shampooing it out.
Who Should Use a Sassafras Treatment
Since chemical treatments for head lice are technically pesticides, there are certain people who may be more inclined to use a sassafras lice treatment. Chemicals may be more harmful for pregnant or nursing women, epileptics, and asthmatic individuals. People with certain allergies and open wounds are also not recommended to use chemical lice treatments. If children, in particular, are constantly being treated for lice with chemicals, the negative side effects may be more pronounced, and a sassafras lice treatment may be a good alternative.
Negative Effects of Chemical Treatments
The National Pediculosis Association reports that individuals have experienced seizures, skin diseases, and even cancer after using chemical head lice treatments. The Association urges everyone to report any strange behavior or reaction occurring after the use of chemical treatments.
Caution in Using Sassafras
While sassafras is safe to use as a topical oil, it should never be ingested in any amount. The oil is considered very volatile and is banned for use in any flavorings or involvement with food by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Sassafras contains an element with a possible link to certain types of cancer, particularly liver cancer.