Cat's Claw & Hay Fever

Hay fever reduces the joys of spring. According to WebMD, cat's claw is an effective herb for hay fever. The plant can also treat other conditions, including arthritis, digestive-system disorders and cancer.
  1. Prevalence

    • Peruvians have been using cat's claw as a natural medicine for hay fever and other conditions since well before others caught on to the plant's health benefits. By 1997, cat's claw was ranked seventh as the herb with the most sales in the United States.


    • Cat's claw vines grow in the rain forests in Peru, South America, at elevations of 1,300 to 2,600 feet above sea level. Each leaf has small thorns that look like a cat's claw at its base.

    How to Take

    • To treat hay fever, cat's claw should be taken internally as a tincture, tea or capsule. For better results, take one teaspoon of lemon juice to help with absorption.


    • The chemicals in cat's claw boosts the immune system, killing cancer cells and viruses, according to WebMD. World Image Naturals Inc. also says that the plant fights infection and reduces inflammation. When the immune system is fortified, you are less likely to suffer from hay fever symptoms.


    • Cat's claw comes from the root and bark of the plant, but the bark contains more of the good chemical alkaloid. Also, harvesting the bark instead of the root ensures the continuity of the plant.


    • Cat's claw is not suitable for women who are trying to become pregnant, pregnant or nursing. People on immune-suppressing drugs and people waiting for an organ transplant should also avoid the plant. Moreover, taking cat's claw may cause diarrhea.

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