Oreganol Oil for Sinus Infections
Oil of oregano is believed to be a natural medicine for sinus infections, common nasal congestion and some lung infections. It is also thought to help put an end to symptoms of the common cold and to ease the pain and irritation of a sore throat. Although oil of oregano does have antifungal and antibacterial properties, and may temporarily ease these symptoms, there are no trials that have been done to prove that it can cure any of these illnesses completely.
Other Medicinal Uses
Oil of oregano is believed to assist in treating other ailments as well. These include helping heal such skin conditions as common rashes, skin infections and irritated gums. For treating these problems, the oil is diluted with water or mixed with coconut or olive oil. Due to the ingredients carvacrol and thymol in oil of oregano, it is also thought to help with upset stomachs and is used as a natural aid in digestion problems.
Normal Dosage
The normal dosage of oil of oregano when being consumed is two or three drops. It can be added to a glass of juice or water and drunk once a day. This amount is said to help relieve symptoms of sore throats, sinus infections and respiratory illnesses within five days. When used as a topical medication for skin, it can be mixed with olive or coconut oil to give a more soothing effect to the skin. One teaspoon of coconut or olive oil can be added to each drop of oil of oregano.
Side Effects
Before using oil of oregano, you should note the side effects of this herb. It may have a negative effect on the how well the body can absorb iron. It is recommended that those who take oil of oregano also take a regular iron supplement. It is for this reason that pregnant women are advised against taking it. Those who have allergies to such herbs as thyme, basil, sage or mint may also be allergic to oregano. They should be cautious in taking oil of oregano and discontinue taking it immediately if allergic reaction symptoms occur.
Where It Is Found
Oil of oregano comes from wild oregano plants. These plants grow only in remote mountainous areas that have not been affected by environmental pollutants. The plants are grown natural and chemical free so that the oil is extracted in its purest form. No chemicals are used during extraction to ensure that there are no contaminants in the oil and it is safe to be consumed. This oil can be purchased at natural remedy stores and websites.