What Is Andrographis Paniculata?
According to the Journal of Health Science, the Andrographis paniculata plant grows to a height of between 1 and 4 feet. It grows in moist shady places and it has glabrous leaves and with flowers with rose-purple spots on the petals. It also has a dark green stem.
Andrographis [aniculata grows abundantly in Southeast Asia, including India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Java, Malaysia and Indonesia. It is cultivated extensively in India, China and Thailand.
Medicinal Properties
Andrographis paniculata is best known for its medicinal properties. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, Andrographis paniculata can be administered to patients in pill form or alternatively as a powder or liquid extract. Studies conducted by the University of Michigan Health System have found that Andrographis paniculata can reduce cold symptoms. Andrographis can also be used to supplement the performance of the immune system. University of Michigan Health System research revealed that Andrographis contains andrographolides, which are responsible for this immune system stimulation.
Side Effects
Possible side effects reported from the use of Andrographis paniculata include a reaction from the user's digestive system. This can manifest itself as intestinal upset or indigestion. A report by the University of Michigan Health System shows nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are other possible side effects related to the digestive system. Irritation of the liver is another possible side effect, and this discovery led to the University of Michigan recommending a lower dosage of Andrographis paniculata to reduce the risk of liver problems.
Folk Medicine
The use of Andrographis paniculata as a folk medicine is recorded in the Journal of Health Science, which argues it is used in this capacity to treat fever and reduce pain. Independent medical research cited in the Journal of Health Science supports the effectiveness of the herb as a treatment to reduce fever.