How to Make Salve From an Aloe Vera Plant
Things You'll Need
- Aloe Vera
- Knife
- Measuring cups
- Olive oil
- Beeswax
- Double Boiler
- Vitamin E capsules
- Jars or tins
Harvest three large aloe vera leaves that are growing close to the soil on the outside of the plant.
Split the leaves down the middle lengthwise with a sharp knife. Scrape the inside aloe gel with the knife into an 8-ounce measuring cup.
Fill the rest of the cup with olive oil and mix.
Grate or cut into small pieces a quarter cup of beeswax.
Fill the bottom of a double boiler with enough water so that it will not spill over when the top pan is in place. Heat on medium and bring water to a simmer.
Put the olive oil and aloe gel into the top pan and add the beeswax. Stir until the beeswax is melted and incorporated into the oil and aloe.
Open two vitamin E capsules and squeeze the contents into the mixture and stir.
Test for texture by placing a small amount of salve on the back of a jar lid and set in the refrigerator for a few minutes to cool. If the salve is too runny, add a little more beeswax. If too stiff, add a little olive oil.
Pour the hot aloe vera salve into small sterile jars or tins. Let cool and cap tightly.