Side Effects of Rhodiola Root
Insomnia, Restlessness, Anxiety and Irritability
Rhodiola rosea root is an herbal stimulant. If taken in doses higher than recommended it could lead to side effects that are counterproductive to the reasons one would take it in the first place. These include insomnia, restlessness, anxiety and irritability. The recommended dose of Rhodiola is 200-600 mg daily. If taken in excess, many people will experience side effects common to those of all stimulants. To avoid insomnia, it is recommended that Rhodiola not be taken prior to bed.
Heart Palpitations
Individuals with existing heart problems, who are prone to palpitations, should not take Rhodiola rosea. For those without any such predisposition, heart palpitations don’t normally occur unless the recommended dosage is exceeded or Rhodiola is taken with another stimulant, such as coffee. Being aware of your body and what you put into it is the best way to avoid this side effect.
Mood Swings and Hallucinations
Two other serious side effects of Rhodiola are mood swings and hallucinations. These can occur if rhodiola is taken by someone with a psychological problem, such as bipolar disorder. Those suffering from bipolar disorder should be cautioned against taking this herb as they are more prone to experience side effects that can impair judgment and mental clarity.
The Shakes
As with many herbal supplements, it is recommended that Rhodiola be taken with food. This improves absorption and lessens the risk of getting the shakes, which can sometimes happen if one’s blood sugar is too low.