Negative Effects of Passion Flower
Some species of the passion flower feature small doses of MAOIs (Monoaine Oxidase Inhibitors), which inhibit human enzymes that lead to an increase of chemical levels of neurotransmitters, serotonin and dopamine. As a result, some users have complained about drowsiness. The consumption of alcohol or sugar intensifies drowsiness and some liquid preparations of this herb actually contain either sugar or alcohol or both.
Drugs that cause drowsiness, such as tranquilizers, sedatives, codeine, antihistamines, and cold and cough medicines, should not be taken with passion flower.
Sometimes passion flower can cause a rash to develop, indicating an allergic reaction. You should see your doctor if this happens.
Itching is another allergic reaction that passion flower can cause and it also requires a quick trip to a health provider.
Occasionally, swelling of the mouth or throat occurs. This is yet another indicator of an allergy and needs immediate attention from a doctor.
Passion flower can have the side effect of mild to intense dizziness, which intensifies with alcohol use.
Trouble Breathing/Wheezing
Sometimes the user might experience trouble breathing and/or wheezing. Contact your doctor immediately.
From time to time, passion flower can cause confusion when used with narcotics such as morphine, hydrocodone and oxycodone.
Memory Loss
When taken with sleep medication, narcotics, antipsychotic medication, barbiturates and antidepressants, passion flower can contribute to memory loss.
Heart Rhythm
Passion flower users have also reported arrhythmia or irregular heart rhythm.
Signs of Liver Damage
Any yellowing of the skin or eyes, pain in the upper right abdomen or blood tests indicating an elevation of liver enzymes may be a sign of liver damage and require a doctor's immediate attention.
Passion Flower is not recommended for use during pregnancy or if the patient has any liver problems, diabetes or alcohol dependency. It should not be given to children under two, and is a potential risk for infants who are breast-feeding.
Use great caution if you are concocting the product from various passion flower plants, as some species such as P. caerulea contain cyanogenic glycosides which break down into the toxic hydrogen cyanide.