Desert Willow Treatment

Chilopsis Linearis, or Desert Willow, is not a willow. Instead it is closely related to catalpa trees, a family of desert dwelling plants that are noted for their trumpet-shaped flowers. Most of the year, the desert willow looks dead. But for a brief period every year, the Desert Willow is covered with dark pink to purple blossoms.
  1. History

    • The Desert Willow has been used since ancient times. Early travelers learned that when they spotted the Desert Willow, water was nearby. The bark was used to make baskets, nets and fabric. The wood was used for bows. The leaves, blossoms and bark were used in a variety of medications.

    Yeast Infection

    • Candida is most commonly known as a yeast infection. But it can also be found in the mouth or gut. While this bacteria can be found in most healthy people, occasionally candida will grow out of control and become an infection. A tea made from the leaves and bark of the desert willow can be ingested or used as a wash for the affected area.

    Athlete's Foot

    • Tinea pedis, or athletes foot, is a common fungal infection that can spread to the groin. Tinea corporis, or ringworm, can be found anywhere on the body. Both of these infections are caused by similar fungi. Desert willow can be used to wash the area. In the case of ringworm, a small poultice can be made by dipping a gauze pad in desert willow tea and taping it to the affected area. Athletes foot is best treated by soaking the foot in the tea.


    • Several forms of Staphylococcus react sharply to the presence of desert willow extract. While it has not been shown to cure infections, a tincture of desert willow has been used to treat cuts and scrapes and prevent infection since ancient times.

    Why it Works

    • The napthoquinones contained in the leaves and bark of the desert willow are responsible for much of the beneficial effects. This chemical affects the uptake of oxygen. Since yeast and fungi both convert available starches into carbon dioxide, the extra oxygen disrupts their life cycle and cuts short their life. Staph and other anaerobic bacteria cannot survive in the presence of oxygen. So any preparation that contains napthquinones will fight these microbes


    • As with any medication, whether natural or man-made, check with your physician before using desert willow treatments. Allergic reactions can happen with any herbal treatment. Additionally, staph infections can become life threatening very quickly. So any wound that becomes swollen and inflamed or develops red streaks should be seen by a doctor immediately.

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