Passion Flower Herb Extract Side Effects
Passion flower herb extract may cause rapid heartbeat.
Passion flower herb extract may cause certain users to feel nauseous or vomit.
Passion flower herb extract causes some users to feel drowsy or sedated, and can cause mental slowing. Do not operate heavy machinery if you experience these symptoms.
Passion flower herb extract may reduce your body's clotting ability. It may also affect a blood test that measures clotting (international normalized ration - INR). Inform your doctor of your use of passion flower herb extract before this test is conducted.
Liver Failure and Death
According to Medline Plus, a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, there has only been one reported case of liver failure and death. In this case, the patient used passion flower herb extract in conjunction with kava, which has been associated with liver damage.