What Are the Benefits of Pueraria Mirifica?
Breast Enhancement
One of the biggest claims of Pueraria mirifica is that it enhances features of women's breasts. A study performed by the Stherb Pueraria mirifica farm claimed that the herb performed well versus a placebo in breast enlargement, breast firmness, reduced mammary pain and several other ways related to female hormones. The study has not had much corroboration.
Skin Improvement
One claim of the Pueraria-Mirifica.org is that the herb can improve the appearance of skin. According to the site, the herb stimulates hormonal activity, which hydrates skin and leads to a brilliant complexion. New skin cells and collagen may be renewed or developed as well as a restoration of healthy hair. This claim is not backed up by any evidence, but a study in the Journal of Fertility and Sterility in 2005 did find that there were fewer wrinkles in women who were using estrogen supplementation. The similarity between Pueraria and estrogen may cause similar effects.
Protect Against Cancer
A study of Pueraria mirifica conducted by Emory University and Phramongkutklao College of Medicine found that the herb has anti-estrogenic properties when it comes to aggressive breast cancer cells. If this study is backed up, it would be a big difference from many other estrogen supplements that may increase the chance of certain types of hormone-related cancers.
Other Claimed Benefits
There are many different claims made by Pueraria distributors that have not been backed up by studies or evidence. The herb is claimed to be able to reduce the symptoms of menopause and stimulate blood circulation. Other claims include boosting memory, increasing appetite, alleviating cataract symptoms, combating gray hair and increasing reflexive bodily movement. This herb must be tested more to determine whether these benefits are in fact possible.