Rosemary & Migraine Headaches
About Rosemary
Rosemary is a green, bushy shrub with aromatic linear leaves. It is more commonly found around the Mediterranean basin and Portugal. Because of its long history of use and presence in traditional medicine, modern therapeutic rosemary applications are approved and supported by pharmacological studies as well as chemical investigations. According to Gerald Moskovitz, herbal consultant on, rosemary improves blood circulation and oxygen to the brain, decreases the permeability and fragility of the capillaries and lowers blood pressure, making it an excellent migraine treatment.
Migraine Headaches
Migraine headaches are distinguishable from normal headaches by their severe, throbbing head pain that commonly starts in the forehead and moves toward the sides of the head. As estimated on, about 28 million Americans suffer from migraines, each episode lasting for as many as 72 hours. Caused by an enlargement of blood vessels, the tension of nerves triggers inflammation and pain. Stress, fatigue, caffeine and smoking are common triggers of migraine headaches, which often worsen with physical activity, light and sound.
In order to treat your migraine headache, recommends boiling a handful of rosemary leaves in a liter of water. Next, pour the rosemary and water into a large bowl. Cover your head with a towel, leaving your face exposed, and lean over the bowl to inhale the steam. You may occasionally want to lift your head if the steam is too hot. Continue to inhale the rosemary and water mixture for 5 to 10 minutes.
Because rosemary is a central nervous system stimulant, you can expect the results to be immediate. The medicinal benefits of rosemary also increase the generation of beta waves in the brain, Moskovitz says, thus explaining why you might also feel more awake and attentive after inhaling rosemary. Rosemary may also help if you have a tendency to be nervous and have a poor memory.
Side Effects and Precautions
No side effects have been documented from the use of rosemary to treat migraines, and no specific precautions need to be followed. As explained on, rosemary is safe and can be used in full confidence as a migraine treatment. However, pregnant women should avoid excessively large doses as it may cause convulsions and even miscarriage. Breastfeeding women should have no problems.