Passion Flower & High Blood Pressure
There is a lack of studies that have been done to show what does of passion flower is most effective when dealing with high blood pressure. The amount taken varies, but it can be taken up to four times per day. This recommendation is for adults who are 18 years or older. There are no studies to recommend the use of passion flower for children under the age of 18, according to Health Line.
Why It Works
Passion flower contains harmane alkaloids that help to lower blood pressure, according to It does this by relaxing muscles and "expanding coronary arteries," according to Passion flower also works to relieve other symptoms that may be causing high blood pressure in the first place.
Side Effects
Passion flower is a safe herb to use that has little known side effects to it. The side effects that have been reported may be due to contamination of the flower, which isn't tested for, according to Health Line. Side effects that have been reported include nausea, rapid heart rhythm, mental slowing and drowsiness, according to Health Line.
Because of the potential side effects of passion flower, it is recommended that people who have had passion flower refrain from operating heavy machinery and from driving. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not take passion flower because there is not enough information to support the use of passion flower safely while they are in that condition, according to Health line.
Mixing With Other Drugs
Taking passion flower may lead to an increased risk of bleeding when taken along with drugs such as aspirin, according to Health Line. When mixed with antidepressants, passion flower may also cause "increased sedation or lower blood pressure," according to Health Line. It may interact with drugs such as antibiotics or anti-anxiety drugs.
Other Uses
Historically, the passion flower was used mainly to help people who suffered from insomnia, according to Health Line. It works by helping with the symptoms of agitation, restlessness and anxiety. Passion flower may also be used to treat other conditions such as irritable dowel syndrome and asthma, and to help those who experience seizures or who are addicts, according to Dr Vikrama's Friendly Holistic Herbalist.