How to Make Kratom Tincture
Things You'll Need
- 100 grams Bali Kratom
- 1 bottle of consumable alcohol (ie, vodka, Everclear), at least 100 proof
- A large jar
- Cheesecloth or clean cotton cloth
Creating the Kratom Tincture
A jar such as this will suffice, if it is large enough to hold the Kratom. Place 100 grams of Kratom into the jar. Fill the jar with alcohol to about 2 inches above the top of the Kratom. Stir vigorously, cap, and place in a dark place at room temperature.
A dark secluded place such as a closet might be a good storage space. Shake the Kratom mixture vigorously at least twice a day for 4 weeks. Maintain this for longer if you want to obtain a stronger tincture. In this step, patience is key. Remember to store the mixture in a dark, temperature-controlled area.
Strain the Kratom through the cheesecloth, collecting the liquid in another container. Be sure to squeeze the bundle in order to extract all the tincture.
Take approximately 2 tablespoons of the mixture, holding the tincture in the mouth as long as possible and swallowing if this becomes too difficult.