Medicinal Uses of True Rose Oil
Rose oil is included in skin creams and facial masks. True rose oil is used in many different types of homemade and commercially produced skin care products. The true rose essential oil is typically suitable for almost every type of skin or complexion. True rose oil works as a cell rejuvenation tonic and an anti-inflammatory agent that can help shrink and tighten enlarged pores, blood vessels and capillaries in the skin. True rose oil is also thought to be effective at providing a balance of moisture to dry or dehydrated skin, and it has been shown to help improve the look of wrinkles, puffiness and aging in older skin.
Antiviral Qualities
Natural ingredients like true rose oil can fight viral infections. Rose oil has been studied by chemists and scientists and found to contain several components which have been associated with antiviral activity. As a result, true rose oil, or Rose Otto, is believed to provide strong antiviral protection when applied externally. True rose oil has produced success in some individuals when it has been used to treat herpes and shingles outbreaks. Both true rose oil and rosemary oil are often recommended by herbalists and naturalists for the treatment of the herpes simplex virus which commonly produces visible cold sores on the exterior of the lips and mouth.
Antiseptics like true rose oil can alleviate skin pain from sunburn. Medicinal quality true rose oil is thought to contain antiseptic qualities. The noted antiseptic properties of true rose oil can help heal cuts and burns on the surface of the skin. Topical application of true rose oil can help clean and disinfect minor wounds and skin abrasions while shrinking swollen blood vessels that can cause pain. True rose oil can also be applied with a compress to help reduce swelling and discomfort from skin injury or stress.
True rose oil massage treats many conditions including infertility. Some herbalists and alternative medicine practitioners believe true rose oil to have positive healing benefits for the female reproductive system. An application of a five percent dilution of true rose oil in Jojoba oil is sometimes recommended to support the health of the uterus and help address infertility issues. The mixture is massaged into the pelvic area several times per day.