What Is an Aloe Vera Plant Good For?
There are approximately 250 species of aloe plants, all belonging to the lily family, or Lilaceae. Aloe plants are relatives of tulips, lilies and asparagus. Aloe is a leafy succulent that prefers hot temperatures and well-drained soil. Aloe vera plants can grow to 2 feet tall and have spotted green leaves that become all green when they mature. Their leaves grow upwards in a rosette pattern and produce a thick sap when cut.
Aloe vera's leaves have been the focus of herbal medicine dating back more than 2,000. Traditionally the sap extruded from the leaves has been used to treat burns, insect bites and other skin irritations. A solution prepared from dry aloe vera sap has been used as an eyewash to treat wounds or irritation. It is the protein aloin that is the active ingredient of the aloe vera plant. Introduced to the Netherlands a few hundred years ago it is now the largest producer of aloe vera extract.
Aloe vera plants can be an interesting addition to an outdoor garden provided it is a warm, sunny climate such as southern Florida and other tropics. Aloe vera also makes a hearty and attractive houseplant. Keep aloe vera plants in well-drained pots and in sunny spots such as a windowsill. Make sure not to over-water aloe vera plants or expose them to cold temperatures. Re-pot as needed to accommodate maturing plants.
Traditionally a popular topical ointment, the sap from the aloe vera plant is also known as cape, zanzibar, socotrine, curacao and Barbados aloes. Aloe vera extracts are used in cosmetics, wrinkle creams and other skin lotions. Topical aloe vera gels are widely available to treat sunburn, eczema, psoriasis, insect bites and minor wounds. Pure aloe vera gel can be easily extracted by cutting a leaf from an aloe vera plant. Recent evidence suggests that aloe vera may offer an effective treatment for genital herpes.
Traditionally aloe vera extract was taken for relief of constipation. Bitter-tasting aloe juice is prepared from the leaves of aloe plants. Although it is a powerful laxative, it can be accompanied by severe stomach cramps and is not recommended as a first-line treatment. There is some preliminary data that indicate aloe vera juice may be useful in controlling blood sugar levels in people dealing with type 2 diabetes. Further research is needed to determine if aloe vera will be a viable treatment.