Remedies for Itching Skin
One or 2 cups of finely ground oatmeal can help sooth itching skin. Add the oatmeal to a warm, but not hot, bath. Relaxing in the warm water and oatmeal can help relieve the discomfort of itching.
Thyme works well as a rinse to eliminate itching. It is a fragrant herb that is rich in thymol, which has anti-inflammatory and anesthetic properties. As a result, thymol is capable of numbing uncomfortable itching of the skin, as well as help decrease inflammation that results from excessive scratching. You can make a rinse by mixing 1/2 oz. of dried thyme leaves with 1 pint of boiling water, then covering it and letting it cool. Use a clean cloth to apply the rinse directly to itchy skin.
Aloe Vera
Although aloe vera is a well-known remedy for the treatment of burns, it also decreases the discomforts of skin itchiness. A leaf of the plant is all it takes. Cut the aloe vera leaf down through the center and gently rub its gel directly over the itch for relief.
Basil Tea
Basil tea is a common and relaxing home remedy for eliminating itchy skin. Basil, like cloves, offers an abundance of eugenol, a type of potent essential oil and topical anesthetic. Blend 1/2 oz. of dried basil leaves into 1 pint of boiling water. Keep the mixture covered to prevent the aromatic eugenol from seeping out of the tea. Let it cool, then with a cloth apply the tea to itching skin.