What Are the Benefits of Adrenal Glandulars?
The human body has two adrenal glands, with one of the glands sitting on top of each kidney. The adrenal glands are part of the body's endocrine system, and their role is to help the body manage stress and survive in all situations. They produce hormones that affect all of the body's tissues, organs and glands. When adrenal fatigue sets in, often as a result of prolonged and severe stress, symptoms include fatigue and exhaustion, decreased ability to handle stress, difficulty concentrating, anxiety and depression.
Glandular Types
Adrenal glandular supplements often come from bovine (cow) adrenal glands, and a variety of types and brands of adrenal glandular supplements are available. Some supplements contain whole adrenal gland, others contain the adrenal cortex only, and others contain a combination of whole adrenal and cortex. Adrenal glandulars are available in both powdered and liquid forms. Thus, a key benefit of adrenal glandulars is the range of options.
Symptom Relief
According to Dr. James L. Wilson's book "Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome," the most reliable way of strengthening the adrenal glands that are fatigued is through the use of adrenal extracts from bovine glands. Adrenal glandulars nourish the adrenal glands and tend to speed up adrenal recovery. The specific symptom relief benefits include increased energy, less exhaustion, more stamina, increased ability to handle stress, improved concentration and better moods.
Adrenal glandulars are natural and overall safe, and people have used them extensively since the early 1900s, according to Wilson's book. There are relatively few side effects with adrenal glandulars, as opposed to the side effects that can result from taking prescription adrenal medications such as hydrocortisone. Any perceived adrenal glandular side effects can simply relate to too high of a dosage; thus, when the dosage is decreased, any side effects often go away.
Cost and Availability
Adrenal glandulars are relatively inexpensive and readily available without prescriptions. However, it's best to manage adrenal recovery with a qualified health practitioner. Various places sell adrenal glandulars, including health practitioners' offices, health stores and online retailers.
Complete Recovery
How long you need to take adrenal glandular supplements, and the dosage needed, depends on many factors. The severity of adrenal fatigue and whether you are following a comprehensive adrenal recovery program play a big role in the amount of time it takes to heal. Generally, once adrenal recovery is complete, you can discontinue taking adrenal glandulars.