How to Make Non Alcoholic Extracts
Things You'll Need
- Herbs
- Chef's knife
- Cutting board
- Glass canning jar with tight-fitting lid
- Measuring cup
- 100 percent vegetable glycerin
- Organic apple cider vinegar
- Cheesecloth
- Mesh strainer
- Pot or bowl
Fill the canning jar with fresh or dried herbs. It does not have to be packed tight. If using fresh material, rinse any dust or critters from the garden off the plants, pat dry and chop finely.
Mix one part apple cider vinegar with one part clean, cool water. Pour this mixture over the top of the plants in the jar until the material is completely submerged. Any part of the plant exposed to the air will spoil during the tincturing process. If using vegetable glycerin, mix two to three parts water with one part glycerin. Cap the jar tightly.
Store the tincture in a dark, cool location for two to six weeks. The longer you let it sit, the stronger your extract will be. During this time, shake the jar slightly every day to prevent settling. Checking your extract daily also allows you to make sure the plants remain submerged. Top off the extract medium if necessary.
Line a mesh strainer with a piece of cheesecloth and place the strainer over a pot or large bowl. Remove the lid from the jar and strain the extract from the herbs. Pour the strained extract into a dark glass jar and label and date it. Glycerin extracts remain viable for approximately one to three years, while vinegar extracts will last about six months.