What Are the Benefits of Lobelia?

Lobelia (lobelia inflata) is an herb that reaches a height of around 3 feet and produces blue and yellow flowers. It is also called Indian tobacco and was smoked by Native Americans to treat asthma. American physicians prescribed the herb in the 19th century to induce vomiting and therefore rid the body of toxins.
  1. Asthma Treatment

    • Leaves and seeds of lobelia may be used to treat asthma.

      The leaves and seeds of lobelia are often used to create a herbal remedy for respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and coughing. It is suggested that lobeila helps clear the respiratory tract, throat, lungs and bronchial tubes of mucus. Many modern herbalists use lobelia as part of their asthma-treatment programs.

    Drug Addiction Treatment

    • The University of Maryland Medical Center states that research suggests that lobeline, an active ingredient in the lobelia plant, may reduce the effects of nicotine in the body, in particular the release of the brain chemical dopamine. As dopamine is a major element in drug addiction, researchers believe that lobeline may be used to treat such addiction problems.

    Homeopathic Treatments

    • Lobelia is used by homeopathic practitioners to treat issues such as nausea and stress.

      Lobelia may be used on its own or combined with other herbs in homeopathic remedies. It may be beneficial In treating nicotine addiction, nausea and vomiting. It is also thought to act as a muscle relaxant and help those with stress or anxiety issues.


    • Lobelia has the potential to be toxic. Use only in conjunction with a physician's guidance.

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