How to Make Tincture out of Juniper
Things You'll Need
- 8 oz. dried or 16 oz. fresh juniper berries, needles or roots
- 16 oz. 100-proof vodka
- Pint glass or ceramic jar
- Dropper bottle
- Labels
- Cheesecloth
- Pen or marker
- Small funnel
Using a small glass or ceramic jar, pour 5 oz. 100-proof vodka over 1 oz. dried juniper or two oz. fresh juniper. Label the jar with a description of the tincture and the date it was made. Keeping the jar out of sunlight, shake the tincture twice a day for a minimum of two weeks, preferably six weeks, to activate the ingredients.
Pour the tincture into a dropper bottle after the ingredients have been fully activated. Label the dropper bottle and store in a cool, dark place. According to Mountain Rose Herbs, tinctures can be safely stored and used for years. The vodka acts as a preservative.
Juniper needles are sometimes used to make tinctures. Using the folk method of making tinctures, fill a pint jar half-full of dried herbs or completely full of fresh herbs. Pour 100-proof vodka over the herbs, filling the jar. Seal the jar with a lid. Label the jar and shake twice a day for six weeks.
Coffee filters are sometimes substituted for cheesecloth. Place cheesecloth over a small bowl and pour the herbs and vodka into the bowl. Squeeze the vodka tincture through the cheesecloth into the bowl.
Use dark glass or ceramic bottles to keep out sunlight. Rinse the pint jar and pour the strained tincture into the jar. The pint jar should be half-full. Use a funnel to fill a dropper bottle from the pint jar. Label the dropper jar and store in a dark place.
Soaking in a warm bath with juniper tincture is good for arthritis. Use 4 to 6 drops of the tincture in a warm cup of water for most illnesses. Pour 1/2 cup of the tincture into warm bath water for a soothing soak.