Gold Chloride for Alcoholism
Treatment for Addicts
In 1879, the doctor founded his first Keeley Institute in Dwight, Illinois. He treated alcohol, nicotine and narcotic addictions with "double chloride" or "bichloride" of gold.
Not Really Gold
The cure was actually composed of strychnine, atropine, arsenic, glycerine and cinchona. Patients received a combination of injections and oral doses.
Early Group Therapy
Dr. Keeley engaged his patients in a precursor of group therapy. This factor might be more responsible for the institute's limited success than the gold cure.
Quick Rise and Fall
The gold cure fad peaked in the 1890s, when every state housed a Keeley Institute. The cure was mostly discredited by 1900. Keeley was dismissed as a quack.
Many Questionable Uses
In the late 1800s and early 1900s, gold chloride was a suggested therapy for several conditions, including lupus, tuberculosis and nervous disorders.