Personal & Household Uses for Grapefruit Seed Extract
Pet Care
Grapefruit seed extract (GSE) has been used in a diluted form to treat various ailments in animals. Parasites that affect humans and pets, like the Giardia lamblia are killed by GSE. The extract has also been used to cure dog and cat ear infections and to purify raw meat that is given to pets. Consult a veterinarian or a naturopath to ensure that you have the proper dilution for GSE because it shouldn't be give to a pet at full-strength.
Human Health
There are many potential human applications for GSE. The extract may help with both external and internal conditions. GSE is used externally for ringworm, rashes and herpes and it may help to relieve the symptoms of sinus and vaginal infections. GSE has been used in natural nasal sprays and in some weight-loss products.
GSE can be used in cosmetics for those who do not tolerate chemicals well on their skin. The extract can be used to help preserve homemade lotions and creams. When applied directly to skin it may help to relieve conditions like dark circles under the eyes. It can also be used as a first-aid spray in case of injury.
According to the Moscow Food website, GSE has bacteria-killing powers on par with, if not superior to, chlorine bleach. The extract effectively kills Salmonella and E. coli. GSE has been used in sprays for fruits and vegetables, disinfectants in hospital laundries and as a household cleaner. Before using the extract as a disinfectant or cleanser, make sure that it will not damage your furniture by first testing it on a small out-of-sight area.