Borage Tea for Thrush
Borage Plant
The borage plant grows easily to 2 to 3 feet and produces small blue flowers. These flowers are considered to be an annual flower, but the plant also releases its seeds to the surrounding areas so that it will grow new plants the following year. These plants contain vitamin C, calcium, potassium and beta-carotene. When the fresh leaves and flowers are brewed into a tea, its flavor has a hint of cucumber.
Borage Uses
Borage has been used for several different ailments, including thrush. Its immune-system-boosting and antifungal properties are what give it the healing power to help rid the body of thrush. This plant also is used as an anti-inflammatory, diuretic, fever reducer, hangover cure, expectorant, adrenal glands balancer and overall strengthener, cleaner and toner. It helps with digestive problems, stress, depression and fatigue as well. Pregnant women should avoid using this herbal remedy.
Borage Tea Treatment
To make a borage tea mixture, boil 1 cup of water and pour it over 1/4 cup of fresh, crushed borage leaves and flowers. Let this mixture sit for 5 minutes before you strain the liquid out. You can drink this mixture or gargle it.
Thrush Symptoms
Thrush is the fungus Candida albicans that has grown and accumulated in the mouth area. This condition is recognized by creamy white lesions that can be found on the tongue, inner cheeks, roof of the mouth, back of the throat, gums or tonsils. These lesions may be painful and have the possibility of bleeding. Babies that are afflicted with this condition can become fussy and have difficulties during feeding time. It is possible for mothers to contract this from their babies and experience pain while nursing, a stabbing pain in the breast area or changes with the feeling or appearance of their nipples, according to
Thrush Causes
There are helpful bacteria throughout the body and usually this bacteria is held at a healthy balance. Sometimes this bacteria has an overgrowth if the right conditions are present. A weakened immune system, using antibiotics and diets high in sugar or yeast can promote overgrowth of bacteria. According to, nursing mothers, babies and women that are also experiencing a yeast infection can develop this condition. Cancer, HIV/AIDS and diabetes mellitus sufferers may also encounter this problem.