Is Arnica Safe to Use?

Arnica preparations are made from extractions of the arnica flower. Arnica can be found as a highly dilute homeopathic medicine or as a strong herbal preparation. As a homeopathic preparation, arnica is safe to use as an internal and external medicine. Herbal arnica can be used as a topical preparation, but avoid internal use as the plant is considered toxic. Arnica is used for treating injuries to the soft tissue system.
  1. Homeopathic Internal Arnica

    • Homeopathic arnica is made with a tincture of the plant material. It is then diluted with water using 1 part arnica tincture for 100 parts water. The formula is then distilled further to create remedies of 6x, 6c and 30c strengths. At its prescribed dilution, the plant material in the medicine is infinitesimal, according to The Society of Naturopaths. According to Nancy Allison in her article for "The Herbal Companion," internal homeopathic arnica is safe to use when mixed by a trained homeopath.

    Topical Homeopathic Arnica

    • Topical homeopathic arnica is available a cream or a gel. It is created using the same dilution method as internal homeopathic arnica. Arnica is safe to use on bruises, swelling and inflammation. It has been found to speed healing and minimize pain and discoloration. Homeopathic arnica should not be used on broken skin as it may irritate the area. Homeopathic topical arnica is mild and effective. It is often considered an essential medicine for a parent's emergency kit to treat all the bumps and bruises of growing up.

    Topical Herbal Arnica

    • Topical herbal arnica is prepared from extractions of the plant material. It is stronger than homeopathic arnica and contains significant amounts of plant compounds. In general, arnica is safe to use on unbroken skin. Some people are allergic to arnica and should avoid it all together. Avoid using arnica on broken or irritated shin. Herbal topical arnica preparations are a wonderful healing tool for soft tissue injuries. It can speed the healing of sore muscles, swelling and bruises.

    How to Use Arnica Safely

    • Arnica has toxic properties. Using herbal teas or tinctures of arnica internally can lead to dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, heart arrhythmia, and--in great quantity--death. Highly dilute homeopathic arnica is safe to use internally. Externally, herbal and homeopathic arnica should be used only on unbroken skin. Internal use of herbal arnica should be avoided unless closely monitored by a trained professional of medicine.


    • Homeopathic remedies are widely available in the United States and Europe. Arnica and other homeopathic medicine should be purchased from a reputable source to insure appropriate dilutions. Avoid using arnica on broken skin. Discontinue use if a rash occurs. It is always advised to consult a physician when treating a disease or injury.

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