Directions for Making Herbal Hot Packs
Things You'll Need
- Muslin, cotton or other clean, non-dyed cloth
- Ground herbs, tinctures or oils
- Plastic cling wrap
- Hot water
Fill a container with enough hot water to cover the cloth. Herbal tinctures or oils can be added to the hot water.
Soak the cloth in hot water and wring out, leaving some liquid in the cloth.
Fold the cloth and place on plastic cling wrap. The wrap will keep the liquid from making a mess and will hold the heat in longer.
If dried, ground herbs are used, rub them onto the cloth generously.
Place the hot wet cloth containing the herbal treatments on the skin, herbal side down, with the plastic wrap on the outside. Leave in place until it cools. Be sure to leave the compress on until it is completely cool, so the herbs have a chance to take effect. This procedure can be repeated if desired.