Tee Tree Oil & Lice

A common childhood problem, head lice are as annoying as they are difficult to treat. Tea tree oil is a natural, non-toxic alternative to standard pesticide-based head lice treatments.
  1. Facts

    • A native of Australia, the tea tree, also known as Melaleuca alternifolia, is a medicinal plant. Tea tree oil is produced by steam distilling the leaves of this plant. The active ingredient in the oil is terpinen-4-ol, which is responsible for attacking head lice and extricating them from the scalp.


    • Tea tree oil, due to its strong antiseptic properties, can be used both to treat and prevent lice. It can be used as a precautionary treatment to keep lice at bay during head lice infestations at schools and communities.

    How to Use

    • Adding a drop or two of tea tree oil to baby shampoo is the most common way of using the ingredient as a lice treatment.


    • While tea tree oil is a natural treatment with minimal side-effects, it is powerful stuff. It can cause irritation and rashes in individuals with sensitive skin when used in its undiluted form.


    • Tea tree essential oil gets a low hazard score of 1 as determined by the Environmental Working Group’s skin deep database. While it is safe for topical use, it should never be ingested.

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