Uses for Lemon Balm Liquid Extract
Mental Clarity
According to a study conducted at Northumbria University in England, students who used lemon balm during exams achieved higher grades because of increased concentration. When students took lemon balm immediately before an exam, they were calmer and more focused. The effects of the herb typically lasted up to six hours.
Lemon balm contains essential oils that help calm the stomach. These oils help relax muscles, which can ease bladder problems, eliminate menstrual cramps, aid in digestion, and help control nausea and vomiting. The herb is made into tea, which can be sipped. Lemon balm, like other members of the mint family, has soothing effects on the stomach and intestines. Lemon balm tea can be consumed several times a day as needed for an upset stomach.
Graves' Disease
Lemon balm is often used to help treat Graves' disease, a condition in which the body produces excess thyroid hormones. Lemon balm helps to block some of the thyroid hormone. Testing has been done on animals for this use, but clinical studies so far do not support the use on humans.
Studies have shown that lemon balm contains polyphenols, which are antioxidants. These chemicals can help treat herpes and other viruses by shortening the lifespan and the severity of the conditions. Regular use of lemon balm can also control the frequency of the disease. Lemon balm is applied to the infections in the form of creams and ointment, which are rubbed onto the site.
Lemon balm has been used to control anxiety and relieve stress and insomnia. It has been approved in Europe to treat sleeping disorders. The oils in the lemon balm aide in relaxation, which can help you relax and sleep. According to "Herb Wisdom," in one study a lemon balm/Valerian combination was found to be as effective for this purpose as the prescription drug Halcion.
The sedative properties can help to improve the memory and increase attentions span. Both of these problems are symptoms of dementia. The symptoms of the disease result from an overexcited thought process. Lemon balm can help to slow that process.