Allicin for Yeast Infections
Yeast infections can be caused by antibiotics, undergarments made out of fabric that doesn't breathe, steroids, diabetes and a weekend immune system.
Symptoms of yeast infections include a white vaginal discharge, a burning sensation during urination, painful sexual intercourse, and burning and itching in the vaginal area.
Fresh Garlic
Allicin in the form of fresh garlic can be used to treat yeast infections. Wrap a peeled garlic clove in cheesecloth and tie it closed with a piece of unwaxed dental floss. Insert into the vagina before going to bed. Use the dental floss to remove the garlic from the vagina in the morning.
Garlic can also be taken orally in pill form to fight yeast infections. The antimicrobial properties found in allicin in the garlic pills breaks down candida.
The burning and itching associated with yeast infections can be relieved by lightly pressing a washcloth that has been soaked with cold water against the vagina.