What Supplements Are Good for Body Odor?

Body odor is a natural occurrence, yet many people are able to neutralize body odor through deodorants and antiperspirants. Bacteria that comes from perspiration causes body odor. Anaerobic bacteria, which flourish when there is a lack of oxygen in the body, is one of these culprits. The body gives off odors as the metabolism works to rid the body of waste.
  1. Supplements

    • Supplements such as chlorophyll, vitamin B, magnesium and zinc are thought to have properties that help decrease body odor. Chlorophyll is a deodorizer, therefore taking chlorophyll liquid with meals may help decrease body odor. Vitamin B and magnesium, when combined, may reduce specific bodily secretions that cause body odor. Take at least 50mg vitamin B and 200 to 500mg magnesium daily. Zinc is a good supplement to help control body odor as zinc can balance the body's metabolism, which may reduce the causes of body odor. Take 30 to 50mg zinc per day. Zinc as a daily supplement may also reduce perspiration and sweaty feet.

    Herbal Supplements

    • Herbal supplements such as witch hazel, alum, apple cider vinegar, white vinegar, parsley and baking soda may also be good for decreasing body odor. To use witch hazel, simply wipe it under your armpits to decrease body odor from underarm perspiration. Apple cider vinegar and white vinegar, when used in place of deodorant, may also fight body odor, and baking soda patted under the armpits may also help in decreasing body odor. It is also thought that chewing parsley and other leafy greens such as alfalfa can neutralize body odor because of the chlorophyll in the leafy greens, which hav deodorizing properties.

      Constipation can also cause some body odor. A supplement that is good for body odor due to constipation is apple juice. Drink apple juice daily to help cleanse the bowels, which may rid the body of constipated waste.

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