Eucalyptus Oil Vs. Triclosan
Triclosan has caused scientific controversy. Triclosan has caused some disagreement in the scientific community. Researcher Stuart B. Levy at Tufts University School of Medicine studied anti-bacterial household products. His research indicates that products such as triclosan may contribute to the development of super-germs while not being any more effective at eliminating bacteria than regular soap. Researchers at University of California-Davis found that triclosan may interfere with normal cellular functioning in the human body.
Eucalyptus oil and triclosan may be found in household products. Triclosan and eucalytpus oil are both used as cleaning products and hand soaps. Eucalyptus oil is a natural source of anti-bacterial properties. Triclosan may be found in products labeled to kill 99.9% of germs and similar taglines. Soaps containing eucalyptus oil usually do not have such a tagline, despite the natural anti-bacterial properties contained therein.
Triclosan is a synthetic chemical, not a natural oil. Triclosan is likely damaging to plants and possibly animals and humans. Triclosan may get into streams through leaks in water systems and kill the plant population in the area. Eucalyptus oil, on the other hand, comes from the leaf of the eucalyptus plant and is not damaging to plants, animals, or humans when applied in normal amounts. Eucalyptus leaf may be ingested for its anti-bacterial properties, but consumers should be careful not to reach toxic levels when swallowing eucalyptus.
Eucalyptus oil can replace harsh cleaning agents like triclosan. Eucalyptus oil is sold alone and as a part of hand lotions, creams, soaps and cosmetics. Eucalyptus oil may be added to some perfumes as a fragance. Triclosan may be sold as a pesticide, in hospital-grade anti-bacterial soaps, in household anti-bacterial soaps and in household cleaning products. Eucalyptus oil may be a good choice for consumers who want to protect themselves from illnesses but do not want to use harsh chemicals to do so.
Anti-bacterial soaps may not be more effective than regular soap. While some studies have suggested that triclosan is harmful to health, conclusive evidence has not been provided that using anti-bacterial soaps containing triclosan do a better job of ridding the hands of bacteria than regular soap. The major benefit of using a soap containing the natural anti-bacterial properties of eucalytpus may only be the nice fragrance. Hospitals use anti-bacterial soaps that contain more triclosan than household products and may be more effective than regular soap.