Diatomaceous Earth Treatment Instructions
Diatomaceous earth is used as an alternative to chemical pesticides due to its safe consumption by humans and animals. The material is used in grain silos, homes, gardens and other areas where pests threaten or cause a nuisance. Diatomaceous earth is effective at treating infestations of adult fleas, sawfly, coddling moth, twig borer, thrips, mites, cockroaches, slugs and snails. Aphids, earwigs, silverfish and ants are other insects that this material has worked to keep at bay.
General Application
Diatomaceous earth can be applied indoors or outdoors wherever there is an infestation. The material comes in powder form and should be applied to the areas where the pests are gaining entry. You should always wear a mask when applying diatomaceous earth because the material can be an irritant to the mucus membranes in the nose and throat. Wear the mask until the dust from the powder has settled. To apply dicatomaceous earth indoors, sprinkle the powder in a light layer where the pests are frequently seen, including underneath the stove, around and inside cabinets, in and under the sink, around and in the bottom of any garbage cans, near windows or door frames, on window sills, at entrance ways, in or near sewer pipes or drains and inside any cracks or crevices. You should reapply as needed.
Treating Specific Cases
To treat specific insects, different application methods are required. For the treatment of carpet beetles, you should apply the material thoroughly along the baseboards of the effected area, in addition to applying it thoroughly at the edge of your carpets. You should also apply the material, when possible, under the carpet and inside closets or shelf units. To treat bedbugs with diatomaceous earth, you should first disassemble the bed. Apply the powder to all joints, channels and interior structural components. Be sure to apply some of the diatomaceous earth to the mattress and any cracks or crevices in the room. For the treatment of fleas, the powder can be used directly on your pet by rubbing the material into the fur. Apply it to any of your pet's sleeping areas and the carpets as well. To control flies, apply it wherever the flies frequent. In areas where there is livestock present, the material can be used directly on the animal to keep flies at bay, in addition to being mixed in with hay or other material in the livestock pen. To reduce fly larvae, simply mix this material with manure.