Mullein for Ear Infections
Mullein can grow just about anywhere and it usually reaches several feet tall, sending up little yellow flowers.
In addition to being used for medicinal purposes mullein has also been used in candle-making. Besides treating ear infections it has been used in the treatment of lung diseases and gastrointestinal ailments.
Considered a mucilage, an oil can be made from mullein and other herbs to be placed into the ear canal. Mullein is known as an anti-bacterial and can kill some viruses on contact.
While mullein has been found to have antibacterial properties, it is somewhat unlikely that it can affect an ear infection due to the barrier formed by the eardrum. Always make sure that the eardrum is intact and not perforated before instilling mullein oil into the ear canal.
Fun Fact
Recent studies have shown that mullein, also called flannel plant because of its furry leaves, may aid certain flu medications and allow them to work better.