An Organic Home Remedy for Eczema on the Face & Eyelid
Chamomile can be taken both internally and externally for eczema outbreaks. The quickest way to utilize its power is through a chamomile wrap. Steep a heavy brew of chamomile tea by combining three cups of distilled water and nine organic chamomile teabags on the stove. Allow the tea to boil for five minutes, then turn off the heat. Allow the mixture to sit until completely cooled, then dip a cloth diaper or soft towel into the mixture. Do not wring it out. Lay back, place the towel over the area of the outbreak, and rest with this soothing covering for at least 30 minutes. Place a plastic cover over the top of the towel to keep it from drying out.
Fresh plantain can be applied directly to the skin for a quick cooling cure. For the best potency, crush the fresh plantain into a paste and combine it with some sweet almond oil or olive oil. Rub the mask directly onto the face and allow to remain for 30 minutes. Gently rinse off the herb pieces with cold water, but leave the oil behind to keep moisturizing and healing the skin.
Comfrey-Calendula Cream
The fastest working home remedy is a strong herbal cream. When choosing a cream, purity is essential. Consider only creams with organic herbs and very few additional ingredients. Avoid creams with added alcohol, parabens, fragrances, essential oils, or numerous regular oils, as they may react harshly with the skin and cause the outbreak to worsen.