Guide to Using Bach Flower Remedies
Select a flower essence from the 38 available remedies according to your need. These remedies are organized into seven emotional groups. Flower essences used for treating fear are aspen, red chestnut, cherry plum, mimulus and rock rose. To treat uncertainty, chose from scleranthus, gentian, cerato, gorse, wild oat or hornbeam. Treat lack of interest with these Bach remedies, honeysuckle, wild rose, clematis, olive, white chestnut, mustard and chestnut bud. Loneliness should be treated with water violet, impatiens or heather. Flower essences to take for over sensitivity include agrimony, centaury, holly and walnut.
For despondency take larch, elm, sweet chestnut, pine, willow, oak, star of Bethlehem or crab apple. The seventh group is used to treat over-care of others and includes chicory, vine, vervain, beech and rock water. You may select a single flower essence or combine two or more to achieve the desired effect. Bach created a combination remedy known as Bach Rescue Remedy which combines impatiens, cherry plum, rock rose, clematis and star of Bethlehem for the treatment of stress and anxiety.
Get quick relief from your condition by adding two drops of the selected flower essence into a glass of water and sipping as needed at least four times daily until relief is obtained. For long-term relief, make a treatment bottle to make your essences last longer. Obtain a one ounce bottle with a dropper lid. Put two drops of your chosen flower essence into the bottle. You can add two drops of up to seven different essences. Finish filling the treatment bottle with water. Use the treatment you have prepared by placing four drops of the mixture under your tongue four times each day.
Use Bach Flower Remedies on family members of all ages and even your pets. There are no known adverse side effects, even if taken in large doses. However, they appear to be more effective taken regularly in small doses over time. The main danger associated with taking flower essences or any other type of self treatment is that you might not seek medical attention for a condition that should be treated by a physician.