Supplements That Trigger Theta Brain Waves
St. John's Wort for Depression
St. John's wort grows wild in many western states of the U.S. and in parts of Europe. It has been used as a folk remedy for thousands of years.
How St. John's Wort Works
The active ingredient in this herb, hypericum, is similar to ingredients in found in synthetic antidepressants. One of its effects is to increase theta brainwave activity.
Valerian Root for Anxiety and Sleeplessness
Valerian root comes from a perennial plant, Valeriana officinalis. It grows wild throughout Europe wherever the soil is damp. Valerian root extracts have been used in European cultures for centuries to treat sleep and nervous disorders.
How Valerian Works
Valerian works chemically by binding benzodiazepine receptors in the brain. This action produces effects similar to Valium and other synthetic tranquilizers, but is milder and non-addictive in valerian. Increased peaceful alpha and theta waves are side effects of this chemical action.
Kava Kava for Sleep and Anxiety Disorders
Kava Kava grows naturally in Polynesia. Fijian and other South Pacific cultures use it in religious rituals and tribal political transactions. It has a profoundly calming and tranquilizing effect on the mind.
How Kava Kava Works
GABA (Gamma Amino Butyric Acid) is an important neurotransmitter helps to activate theta and delta brainwaves. Kava Kava helps activate GABA. EEG studies show marked increases in theta and delta brainwave activity in subjects under the influence of this herb.