Benefits & Risks of Flaxseed Oil
Potential Benefits
Flaxseed oil: Not as omega-3 rich as fish oil. On all counts--ranging from diabetes to dry eye syndrome to high blood pressure to high cholesterol--the Mayo Clinic notes "unclear scientific evidence" regarding flaxseed oil's ability to prevent and treat disease. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) notes that the soluble fiber found in flaxseed makes it a suitable laxative. The University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) explains that, in many cases, including potential impact on cholesterol levels and the heart, omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to produce results. In the form of flaxseed oil, though, such success has not been duplicated, as of March 2010. This is because the body struggles to convert the ALA in flaxseed oil into the types of omega-3s found in fish oil.
Traditional and theoretic thought contends that flaxseeds and flaxseed oil is effective in treating everything from biploar disorder to an enlarged prostate to urinary tract infections, reports the Mayo Clinic.
Drink lots of water with flaxseed products. Overall, experts from the Mayo Clinic, NCCAM and UMMC agree that flaxseeds and flaxseed oil are generally well tolerated. Animal studies have produced several side effects of flaxseed overdose including breathing problems, weakness, difficulty waking and seizures or paralysis. Diabetes patients should use caution, according to the Mayo Clinic, as the omega-3's in flaxseed oil can lead to increased blood sugar levels. NCCAM advises drinking lots of water with flaxseed products to prevent constipation or less likely intestinal blockage associated with its fiber content. NCCAM also warns against taking flaxseed products with medication as they might interfere with the body's ability to absorb the medication.
Dosing and Types
UMMC doctors advise taking 1 to 2 tablespoons or capsules of flaxseed oil per day. Flaxseed oil contains about 7 grams of ALA and 130 calories per tablespoon. UMMC notes that 7.2 grams of flaxseed oil equals about 1 gram of fish oil. Flaxseed can also be taken in seed as well as flour form.