How to Make Colloidial Silver at Home
Things You'll Need
- 6 volt AC adapter plug
- Two metal alligator clips
- One gallon glass jar
- Two pure silver rods or two strips of 12 to 14 gauge silver wire (must be at least 99.9% pure, not sterling silver)
- One gallon of distilled water
- Stainless steel pan
- Small wooden cutting board
- 1/8 inch drill bit
- Drill
- Small hand held laser pointer
- White paper towels
- Clean nylon scratch pad
- 4 dark glass quart jars
Assemble the Generator
Cut off the end of the plug sticking out of the adapter, while the adapter is not plugged in to any power source. Carefully separate the two wires and remove about an inch of the rubber insulation from the outside.
Solder the two alligator clips onto the end of the separated wire. It is good to use clips that are two different colors to differentiate between the two wires for future reference. It does not matter what colors you use on which wire.
Drill two 1/8 inch holes into a small wooden cutting board or other small piece of wood large enough to fit over the mouth of the gallon size glass jar. The holes should be about 1 to 1 1/4 inches apart. Place the wood over the mouth of the jar.
Clamp the alligator clips onto each piece of silver rod or wire while the adapter is unplugged. Stick the ends of the silver wire or rod into each hole in the wooden board so they hang down into the glass jar without touching each other or the sides of the glass jar. The silver wire should lack about an inch from touching the bottom of the jar. The alligator clips with electrical wires attached should be sticking out of the top.
Preparing the Water
Pour about half a quart of room temperature distilled water into the gallon size glass jar. For subsequent batches of colloidal silver you'll make, use a half quart of colloidal silver water made previously. This will shorten the cooking time.
Heat the rest of the gallon of distilled water to a low boil in a stainless steel, uncoated pan. Do not add salt or any other substances to this water.
Pour the boiling water into the gallon size glass jar. Use a wide mouth funnel if needed to make pouring a bit easier.
Making the Colloidal Silver
Place the wooden board over the jar filled with water so that the silver wires hang in the water and the alligator clips and adapter wires stick out of the top.
Plug in the power adapter to a power strip that can be turned off and on easily with a switch. Turn on the power strip switch.
Check the silver wires often to make sure there is no black discoloration building up on the wires. When the buildup occurs, turn off the power strip, remove the wires and wipe clean with a nylon scrubber and clean white paper towel. Put the wires back in the water and turn the generator back on. Do this about every ten minutes or so.
Check the progress about every half hour by shining a hand held laser pointer into the glass jar. Look at the solution from a perpendicular angle to the line of the laser to see how as the parts per million of the solution increases, the laser line become thicker and brighter. The beam should be solid red after about 3 hours with the first batch, and after about an hour and a half for subsequent batches.
Pour the colloidal silver into darkened quart jars once the cooking process is complete. Reserve one of the quarts for starting another batch in the future. Using these "seed" batches significantly reduces the preparation time for subsequent batches.