Red Poppy Herbal Uses
Red poppy contains similar alkaloids to opium poppy, but milder versions. According to Colorado State University, red poppy contains the alkaloid rhoeadine, a substance recognized in several other poppy species and known to be a mild sedative. Likewise, red poppy also contains papaverine, an alkaloid that, according to Purdue University, functions similarly to morphine. To treat insomnia with red poppy, a tincture may be used. Take two mL of red poppy three times in the evening before bed.
Cough Suppressant
The folk medicine of several cultures holds red poppy as useful for suppressing coughs and helping asthma. A case study from the University of Istanbul in 2007, which tracked the use of more than 100 herbs used by Turkish people, found that red poppy was commonly employed for coughing. A second study published by the University of Hawaii found the same results in the southern region of Campania, Italy. No studies have been conducted to conclude why red poppy can suppress coughs. The most common form for taking red poppy as a cough suppressant is as a strong tea three times daily. Mix two teaspoons of dried flowers and seeds per each cup of boiling water, letting it steep for 15 minutes.
Anxiety and Stress
Because of the milder action of the alkaloids red poppy contains, this herb is sometimes used as a sedative for people suffering from nervous irritability, anxiety and stress. Michael Tierra, in his book "The Way of Herbs," recommends red poppy as a treatment for these conditions. Red poppy can be taken either as a tea or tincture throughout the day. No studies have proved or disproved its long- or short-term effects and efficacy.