Homeopathic Uses for Bay Leaves
A solution made from bay leaves has been proven to help a person suffering from itchy scalp and dandruff. To prepare this solution boil one quart of water. Add three level teaspoons of crumpled bay leaves and cover the pot. Allow the leaves to steep for about 25 minutes. Strain the leaves from the tea and refrigerate until ready for use. To use the tea, wash and rinse your hair as usual then, massage a small amount of the tea into your scalp. After the first massage, you can add a few more ounces at a time and rub in well. Leave the solution in for about an hour and rinse with water.
You can get relief from swelling in the tendons and joints or sprains and muscle aches with bay leaf oil. You can easily create this oil with a small amount of olive oil heated on very low heat. Add enough leaves that they are all covered by the oil. Simmer on low heat, covered, for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes remove from the heat and allow to sit until cool. Strain the leaves from the oil and rub daily on painful spots.
Bay leaves are excellent for all sorts of digestive issues. A tonic or tea made from bay leaves will settle an upset stomach, stimulate the appetite and aid in the secretions of digestive juices. When used as a spice in cooking, bay leaves aid in digestion and the absorption of minerals and nutrients in the digestive track. The leaves help to break down heavier foods like meats rich in protein. The bay leaves also help to keep the bladder healthy. Bay is also useful for treating high blood sugar, migraines and gastric ulcers.