Aloe Vera Juice and Yeast Infections
Aloe vera gel. Medline Plus says the reports from laboratory, animal and human studies indicate that topical aloe vera gel has properties to soothe skin inflammation such as yeast infections.
Aloe vera juice detoxifies the body, cleans the colon and helps digestion, according to various studies.
Apply aloe vera. Apply aloe vera gel onto the yeast infection three to five times per day, which will soothe the infection, according to New York Health. In addition, drinking aloe vera juice will clear your stomach and intestines of any yeast, helping the infection heal, says New York Health.
Aloe vera juice. According to American Chronicle, aloe vera juice is the most natural form of getting rid of a yeast infection because it is mild for the stomach and encourages a more improved digestive system.
Side Effects
Aloe vera plant. Aloe Vera Studies website reports that side effects are rare. The website says symptoms of an aloe vera reaction include: electrolyte (fluid) loss, fluid imbalance and intestinal cramps.
Allergies Medline Plus says those with known allergies to garlic, onions and tulips may have allergic reactions to aloe vera.