Passiflora for Anxiety
Parts of the passiflora plant, otherwise known as passionflower, have been used safely for centuries as a folk remedy for anxiety and sleeplessness.
Current Use
Today, passiflora is often an ingredient in herbal anxiety or sleeplessness remedies. However, passiflora is usually one of several herbal extracts used in these remedies, resulting in difficulty determining the action of each extract.
Passiflora has been used safely to treat anxiety for hundreds of years with few reported side effects or adverse reactions.
The Cochrane Reviews reported in 2007 that too few randomized controlled trials of passiflora existed to determine its effectiveness. However, the Cochrane Review also noted that in one study, subjects seemed to respond to passiflora similarly as to a prescription drug for anxiety.
Passiflora has been used for many years to treat symptoms of anxiety and insomnia. While studies about the effectiveness of passiflora have been few and inconclusive, anecdotal evidence suggests that passiflora can be effective.