Signs of a Bad Thyroid & Hair Loss
Hair loss is often a sign of a thyroid condition known as hypothyroidism, which means you may have low levels of thyroid hormones. These hormones are T3 and T4, and the addition of the amino acid L-tyrosine and iodine may solve the problem. L-tyrosine and iodine combine to form T3 and T4, and you can use these supplements to improve a thyroid condition.-
Fluoride and Thyroid Hormones
Your thyroid hormone levels could be low due to a deficiency caused by diet or the presence of toxic substances that displace iodine. According to the Women's Health Institute of Texas in Sugar Land, fluoride found in drinking water or toothpaste may be the cause of hypothyroidism and, consequently, hair loss. Toxins called toxic halides, such as fluoride, bromine and chloride, can cause low levels of thyroid hormones.
96% are Iodine Deficient
According to Dr. David Brownstein at the Center for Holistic Medicine in West Bloomfield, Illinois, out of 4,000 patients tested, he found that 96% were fluoride deficient. The symptoms that are associated with thyroid deficiency are hair loss, low energy, brain fog, insomnia, depression and elevated cholesterol.
Iodine Supplementation
A new study on hypothyroidism by Dr. Andrew Jones of the Women's Health Institute of Texas shows that the kelp products you find on the shelf are often 100 times too weak to be effective. The new recommendation is for 5 mg of iodine and 7.5 mg of iodide together with vitamin B2 riboflavin and selenium.