Nettle & Menopause
Vitamins, Minerals and Protiens
Nettles are full of vitamins, minerals and proteins. For menopausal women this brings a greater overall amount of energy. According to, nettles also strengthen bones, balance hormones and restore health to the cardiovascular system.
Restorative Powers
- states that nettle infusions help the adrenal glands remain in good working order. In some women a regular menstrual flow had returned with the help of regular nettle use.
Retaining Beauty
The vitamins, minerals and proteins in stinging nettles can help a menopausal woman hang on to her beauty. According to, the vitamin E helps to strengthen hair follicles making them resistant to breakage. Regular infusions also keep the inner organs hydrated and skin looking great.
Increased Sexual Enjoyment
According to, the stinging nettle can help the menopausal woman enjoy sexual relations again. Nettles help nourish the endocrine glands so the continue functioning. This reduces vaginal dryness that can make sexual relations uncomfortable and even painful.
Reduction of Chronic Health Risk
- states that nettles can help restore kidney function. They also make the claim that, in some women, kidney dialysis was suspended and even transplant surgery. Nettles are also full of iron, chlorophyll and copper. All helpful in the fight against cancer.